Massage Parlour Decor

Did you ever go to Pink Planet Massage in Hamilton? It was in an architects building on Young Street. It was nicely decorated but perhaps the wrong colour paint was chosen for the walls. It was BRIGHT PINK.

I spoke to Emily at Muse about painting spas pink. She recently decorated her spa at Keele and Finch in cold sleek colours. Its looks fantastic like a high end Jenna Jameson porn set. Emily doesn't like pink for spas and mentioned that Bliss has been redecorated with a touch of purple. When I ran Romeo's Purple Pages, I went through many different shades of purple. Virtually every shade of purple from magenta through to ultraviolet look great mixed with black or white but are hard to use with other colours. Why aren't more spas purple?

Minutes before speaking with Emily I went inside Mia Beauty Spa at 1310 Keele. The Asian giels here are very unrefined. Vivian has the most class but she is only part time. It is poorly decorated. Many industrial plants have more panache. The lobby of the massage spa is painted pink.

Recently I went to Golden Lotus Massage on Lakeshore Blvd in Etobicoke. It is between Royal York and Islington in "New Toronto". I think it was newly painted since one of the attendants from Sunshine Spa bought it. It is painted pink also.

A few weeks ago, Melissa from Dajiaoban asked me about her walls. I said they were good. She told me several customers had complained that they were painted pink. She told me they were white before and it took three days to paint them

Have you been to Seasons Spa lately? They have repainted their walls and changed the colour of the bathroom. It used to be dark red and dark orange but now it is a very very light pink almost white.

Don't get me wrong. I do like the colour Pink. When I am travelling to a massage spa, it is often the colour I see in my mind. Its just that I have been thinking about it recently because it is in many of the new massage places

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